Case Study: Pipe Ram for HDD Casing
Project Summary
AMS were contracted to install 5 x 180mm ducts by way of directional drilling. In order to achieve the installation and due to 7m of overlying cobbles, boulders and rock, casing pipes were installed to support the unstable strata and to ensure the successful completion of the main HDD works by way of pipe ramming at entry and exit.
Pipe Ramming was chosen to install the casings to remove the need for 7m deep excavations within unstable ground formations. This installation was the first time the pipe rammer had been utilised to ram casing pipes at an angle, rather than in a straight line.
The pipe ramming involved the installation of 1nr 610mm (30m length) and 1nr 1000mm (36m length) casing pipes through 7m of gravel, cobbles and boulders. Both pipes were successfully installed and cleaned out to enable the associated HDD works to be completed.